1. Create
2. Execute
3. Execute in C#
1. Create
2. Execute
3. Execute in C#
Change custom date format in sql query in ms sql server
format(top_update,'dd/MMM/yyyy') as top_updates
select row_number() over(order by joinnow.top_update desc ) as row, user_id,sponser_id,f_name,mobile,email,telephone,format(top_update,'dd/MMM/yyyy') as top_updates,
(select address+' , '+(select districtname from districts where districtid=joinnow.districtid)+', '+(select statename from state_master where stateid=joinnow.stateid)+', Pincode- '+pincode) as address,
(select plan_name from plans where id=joinnow.package) as package,convert(varchar,edate,103) as edate,remark,
(select products from products where id=joinnow.product_id) as products,format(product_status_date,'dd/MM/yyyy') pp,
(case product_status when 0 then 'Pending' when 1 then 'Delivered' when 2 then 'Cancel' end) as status,product_status
from joinnow where product_id is not null and product_status=0 and top_up=1 and product_id != 0 order by top_update desc
1. Execute output param in procedure in sql server
declare @RecordCount int=1
exec [Getcustomers_pager] @topup='0',@RecordCount=@RecordCount output
print @RecordCount
2. Define out parametered in procedure in sql server
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Getcustomers_pager] @SearchTerm VARCHAR(100) = '',
@PageIndex nvarchar(max) = 1,
@PageSize nvarchar(max) = 100,
@mobile NVARCHAR(max)='',
@search INT=0,
@fromdate nvarchar(max)='',
@todate nvarchar(max)='',
@topup varchar(10)= '',
@RecordCount INT output
SET nocount ON;
declare @query nvarchar(max)='',@query1 nvarchar(max)=''
set @query = 'select row_number() over(order by m.id desc) as RowNumber,
case m.status when 1 then ''Active'' else ''Block'' end as blockstatus,
case m.status when 1 then ''success'' else ''danger'' end as blockclass,
case m.status when 1 then ''Block'' else ''Active'' end as blockbtn,
case m.status when 1 then ''danger'' else ''success'' end as blockbtnclass,
format(m.edate,''dd/MM/yyyy'') as date,format(m.top_update,''dd/MM/yyyy'') as top_update1,
(select max(remark) from cto_achievers where status=1 and uid=m.uid) rank_name,
from Joinnow m with(nolock) inner join login l on m.uid=l.uid
where l.block=0'
set @query1='select @count= count(m.id) from Joinnow m with(nolock) inner join login l on m.uid=l.uid where l.block=0'
IF(@topup != '')
set @query=@query+' and m.top_up='''+@topup+''''
set @query1=@query1+' and m.top_up='''+@topup+''''
ELSE IF(@SearchTerm !='')
set @query=@query+' and m.user_id='+@SearchTerm+' OR l.password ='''+@SearchTerm+''''
set @query1=@query1+' and m.user_id ='+@SearchTerm+' OR l.password='''+@SearchTerm+''''
ELSE IF(@fromdate !='' or @todate != '')
if(@fromdate != '')
set @query=@query+' and cast(m.edate as date) >= cast('''+@fromdate+''' as date)'
set @query1=@query1+' and cast(m.edate as date) >= cast('''+@fromdate+''' as date)'
if(@todate != '')
set @query=@query+' and cast(m.edate as date)<= cast('''+@todate+''' as date)'
set @query1=@query1+' and cast(m.edate as date)<= cast('''+@todate+''' as date)'
set @query=@query+' order by m.id desc offset ('+@PageIndex+'-1)*'+@PageSize+' rows fetch next '+@PageSize+' rows only'
exec sp_executesql @query1,N'@count int output',@count=@RecordCount output
1. ng-init in Angular Js
@if (Request.QueryString["a"] != null)
<input type="hidden" ng-init="p.user_type='@Request.QueryString["a"]'" />
2. ng-model
<input type="text" id="txtname" ng-model="p.name" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter User Address" maxlength="100" />
3. ng-click
<input type="button" id="btnsearch" ng-click="getEmployeeList()" class="btn btn-sm btn-success" value="Search" />
4. ng-change
<select class="form-control" ng-change="getEmployeeList()" ng-model="p.user_type" ng-init="p.user_type=''">
<option value="">All</option>
<option value="1">Paid</option>
<option value="0">UnPaid</option>
5. Pass value in angular function
$scope.p = {};
var status = null;
$scope.getIncomeList = function () {
if (status == null) {
status = "2";
$http.get('/Admin/getReward_Income', $scope.p).then(function (res) {
$scope.getIncome = res.data.IncomeList;
(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)