Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Check display status in javascript



var sbtn = document.getElementById("closebtn");


            if (sbtn.style.display == "none") {

                setTimeout(closeSuccess, 3000);

            } else {

                setTimeout(closeError, 3000);



Friday, May 6, 2022

Modifiers Differences in c#


Private Modifier :- Private member can access its own/self class.

Protected Modifier :- 1. Protected member can access its own/self class, 2.  can access with inheritance in self project/assembly, 3. can access with inheritance in another project/assembly  

Internal Modifier :- 1. Internal member can access its own/self class, 2. can access with inheritance in self project/assembly, 3. can access with an instance/object in self project, 4.

Linq Expression syntax for where condtion in linq

(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)