Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Short cut or Hot Key in Visual Studio (VS)

1. Short cut for DataTable or other variable value on debug time
       Shift + f9

2. Short cut for Solution Explorer
       Ctrl + Alt + L

3. Short cut for File Preview in Solution Explorer
       Crtl + [ + S
4. Go Back Ward or Or Opposite of  F12
        Ctrl + -

5. Commet
        Ctrl + K + C

6. Un-comment
        Ctrl + K + U

7. Expand All
        Ctrl + M + O

8. Collapse All in C# and Html
        Ctrl + M + A

9.  C# Code preview in VS2015
        Alt + F12

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Linq Expression syntax for where condtion in linq

(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)